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Katrina Pascual

Risk Analyst
St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish Music Coordinator / Psalmist


Going to my voice lessons with Teacher Jojo is the most exciting day of the week. Not only because it involves singing, but it is the time when in I learn something new and discover what my voice is capable of. What I really like about Jojo Acosta’s SingerStudio is that the program is tailored according to the need of each particular student. Not only are the lessons customized but at the same time, Teacher Jojo makes the lessons fun! I love how I surprise myself after every session with Teacher Jojo. It’s like “wow, I never thought I could reach that low note or that high note!” or “whoa, is that really me?!”

With all the techniques I’ve learned in a short amount of time, I have noticed a huge improvement in my voice. I am now much more confident singing in front of a room full of people and the words are now clearly heard. Friends and Family have also noticed that I sing with a much fuller voice. There is a lot more I have to learn, and I thank you so much Teacher Jojo for helping me find my voice. ☺

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