Kai Honasan Del Rio is a Filipino independent singer-songwriter best known for quirky, lighthearted ukulele-driven…
International voice coach Jojo Acosta supports the Ibaloi music genre — report
The PTV-Philippines Television reports on the Ibaloy Festival 2023 Shadsak Singing Contest held on November 9th, at Baguio City. As witnessed by the international voice coach and musical director Jojo Acosta himself, the natives of Ibaloi in the Cordillera Region have great potential. The contestants, even at a young age, have showcased their talents in composition and singing in the Shadsak competition.
Weeks prior, Coach Jojo Acosta has launched his ‘local’ campaign. Being known internationally, and nationally, the Singer Studio is local too!
Contact Singer Studio or Coach Jojo Acosta now!

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