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Nayomi De Leon



Coach Jojo helped me use my voice in ways I never imagined. As soon as I started learning with him, I already felt the improvement in my voice. He has the tools and experience that helped me accomplish these goals by teaching me to sing with confidence and with full resonance, clarity and power of my natural voice. Coach Jojo is like a father to all his students. He always reminds us to practice constantly and maintain healthy lifestyle for a singer’s instrument is his or her physical body. He is so enthusiastic about his students’ progress! He will help you improve by giving specific, targeted exercises rather than unclear imagery. His customized approach to voice instruction allows you to improve quickly. His easy-going personality and extensive vocal and musical knowledge were very effective in motivating his students to break the old improper habits and replace them with proper technique. I learned so much vocal technique from him and continue to sing using the principles he showed me. To my dear coach Jojo, Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and talent in music with us! You are truly a blessing to us singers!

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